Head Start/Early Head Start
Executive Summary
The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Public School System Head Start / Early Head Start (CNMI PSS ES/EHS) Program operates on the islands of Saipan, Rota, and Tinian, with the administrative offices located on Saipan.
The CNMI PSS ES/EHS Child Care Partnership Program is a federally-funded program that supports the education, health/mental health, disability, nutrition and family and community support services for parents and their children. From birth to five years of age, Head Start Children receive specialized quality education and comprehensive social services that improve the opportunities for our children to learn and succeed when they enter Kindergarten.
The CNMI PSS Early Head Start Child Care (CNMI PSS EHS CC) Partnership Program serves infants and toddlers from six weeks to 36 months of age. The program accepts families from all the villages on Saipan. There are a total of four (4) Early Head Start grantee operated classrooms in Head Start sites located in the villages of Chalan Kanoa, Dandan and Kagman. The program is also partnered with one private licensed child care center, Northern Marianas International School. CNMI PSS EHS-CC offers services full-day full-year in center-based settings.
There are seven Head Start centers on Saipan, two on Rota and one on Tinian. Tese ten centers continue to provide center-based program options, with two Head Start paid staff for both the morning and afternoon sessions. All Head Start classrooms offer classes four days a week to support a double session variation.
The CNMI PSS Head Start/Early Head Start Program is now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year.
Applications may be submitted by email to hsehs@cnmipss.org or in person at the following locations:
- Head Start Main Office - Building 1256, Capitol Hill, Saipan
- Magdalena M. Hofschneider, Tinian Head Start Center
- Rota Head Start Center
- Additional Pop-Up locations will be announced through email and our social media pages
Upon application submission, families must complete an intake interview as required by program regulations.Please contact us with any questions by email to hsehs@cnmipss.org or call 664-3761/323-7446.We look forward to receiving your child's application!
Head Start
Funded Enrollment: 396
# of Full day enrollment: 192
# of part day enrollment: 204
Cumulative Enrollment = 412
Children Age
# of 2 year old: 2
# of 3 year old: 147
# of 4 year old: 263
Enrollment - Eligibility
Income below 100% of Federal poverty line: 343
REceipt of public assistance such as SSI, TANF: 9
Status as foster child: 7
Status as homeless: 16
Over Income: 37 (26 with income between 100-130%)
Enrollees exceeding the allowed over income enrollment (asnot below) with family incomes between 100%-130% of the federal poverty line): 0
Children Race and Ethnicity
Asian: 150
Black: 2
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 239
White: 1
Biracial/multiracial: 20
Early Head Start
Funded Enrollment: 64
# of expansion slots: 48
# of partnership slots: 16
Cumulative Enrollment = 68
Children Age
# under 1 year: 12
1 year old: 20
2 years old: 36
Enrollment - Eligibility
Income below 100% of Federal poverty line: 54
REceipt of public assistance such as SSI, TANF: 3
Status as homeless: 4
Over Income: 6
Enrollees exceeding the allowed over income enrollment (asnot below) with family incomes between 100%-130% of the federal poverty line): 1
Children Race and Ethnicity
Asian: 17
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 46
Biracial/multiracial: 5
Health Services -
Scroll the table left to right
Early Head Start |
Head Start |
Health Insurance |
52 or 76% |
340 or 83% |
A. Medicaid |
47 or 69% |
316 or 77% |
B. Private |
5 or 7% |
24 or 6% |
C. Tri-Care |
0% |
0% |
No Insurance |
16 or 24% |
72 or 17% |
Scroll the table left to right
Immunization |
Early Head Start |
Head Start- |
A. Complete or Up to Date |
67 or 99% |
394 or 95% |
B. Past Due |
1 or .01% |
17 or .04% |
C. Exempt |
0% |
1 or .01% |
Scroll the table left to right
Early Head Start |
Head Start |
A. Medical Home |
68 or 100% |
412 or 100% |
B. Dental Home |
68 or 100% |
412 or 100% |
Scroll the table left to right
Chronic Health Condition |
Early Head Start |
Head Start |
A. Anemia |
0% |
0% |
B. Asthma |
0% |
4 or .009% |
C. Hearing Difficulties |
1 or .01% |
1 or .002% |
D. Vision Problems |
0% |
3 or .007% |
E. High Lead Levels |
0% |
0% |
F. Diabetes |
0 or 0% |
0 or 0% |
Disability Services
Scroll the table left to right
Early Head Start |
Head Start |
Referrals Submitted to EI or ECSPED |
3 |
5 |
Eligible for Services |
1 |
3 |
Mental Health Services
Scroll the table left to right
Mental Health Services |
Early Head Start |
Head Start |
Completed at least one to two Intervention |
0 |
1 |
Completed three or more intervention |
0 |
2 |
Education Services
This Snapshot report is associated with the objectives for development and learning for birth through kindergarten. The program has three (3) Checkpoint periods, however due to COVID-19 only two (2) checkpoints were completed for this program year. The data shows the percentage of children who are meeting and exceeding the widely held expectations for each developmental area.
I. Child Outcomes

Family Services
443 Families Served
298 two-parent families
- 86 of these families had both parents employed
- 157 of these families had one parent employed
- 55 of these families did not have either parent working
- 48 of these families had at least one parent in job training or school
145 single parent families
- 75 of these families had the parent employed
- 70 of these families did not have the parent working
- 22 of these families had at least one parent in job training or school
92% Mothers as the parent/guardian figure of single-parent families
6% Fathers as the parent/guardian figure of single-parent families
2% Grandparent or other adult as the parent/guardian figure of single-parent families
Parent Education
- 65 had an advanced degree
- 67 had an associate degree, vocational school, or some college
- 264 had a high school diploma or GED
- 47 had less than high school
6 families have military veterans
Budget (Local, Federal, Non-Appropriated Funds, Others) -
- The total amount of public and private funds received and the amount from each source
- Local: $413,805
- Federal:
- Admin: 134,058
- Basic: 2,233,072
- T/TA: 88,087
- COVD-19-348,008
- Local:216,775
- Federal:
- Admin: 46,308
- Basic: 940,525
- T/TA: 24,048
- COVD-19-56,244