Admiral Herbert G. Hopwood Middle School

Executive Summary
Admiral Herbert G. Hopwood Middle School is located in Saipan, Northern Marianas Islands. In October of 2018, Super Typhoon Yutu devastated the island and caused severe damage to the school’s infrastructure which led to the relocation of the school to the Koblerville Elementary Soccer field. With the collaboration of the district, FEMA and the local government, a temporary tent facility was built to host the population of Hopwood Middle School (HMS) and continue daily operations. In SY 2020, the school planned to transition the students back to the old campus. Nineteen classrooms were renovated. In March 2020, the temporary campus located at Koblerville Village was closed down due to the COVID19 pandemic. The students were provided with the independent learning packets to support their learning at home. Wifi on wheels became available to continuously support the learning at home initiative. The school did not offer a summer program due to the pandemic. In September 2020, HMS relocated back to their campus in Chalan Piao with only 19 classrooms available.
The school is the largest middle school in the CNMI Public School System. There was a decline of students’ population by 36.5% from 926 in SY 2019 to 588 in SY 2023 in grades 6th to 8th. The school has a diverse student background. Students' ethnicities include 37.4% Filipino, 15.4% Chamorro, 9.5% Carolinian, and 7.9% Chinese. There are 9.1% Other Pacific Islanders which include Chuukese, Marshallese, Palauan, Yapese, Kosraean, Pohnpeian, and Samoan. The 6.4% Other Ethnicity includes Japanese, Korean, Cambodian, and Bangladeshi.
Admiral Herbert G. Hopwood Middle School has a total of 88 employees. Our staff is composed of a School Principal, 2 Vice Principals, 1 Registrar (vacant), 1 Administrative Officer, 1 Truant Officer, 4 Counselors, 1 Building Maintenance, 1 Custodian, 1 Outsourced Ground Manintenance, 1 Outsourced Custodian, 41 Gen Ed Classroom Teachers, 4 SPED Teachers, 4 Teacher Aides, 1 Substitute Teacher Aide, 5 Substitute Teachers, 1 Title Teacher, 1 ELL Teacher (vacant), 1 School Nurse, and 15 Tutors.
For the school year 2020-2021, the CNMI Public School System Child Nutrition Program operates the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) under a block grant funded by the United States Department of Agriculture. All students at Admiral Herbert G. Hopwood Middle School receive free meals daily.
The school uses a variety of assessment data to determine students’ academic performances. Based on the school STAR Reading data generated at the beginning of SY2023, 70% of the students are below their grade proficiency level in Reading. The STAR math data indicates that 68% of the students are below their grade level proficiency in Math.
Based on the climate and culture staff survey conducted on May, 2019, the staff scored higher in the interactions, physical spaces, and description of their colleagues. However, the survey also indicated that the lowest scores are their feelings about the completion of their responsibilities while at work and their expectations for their students at school. About 57% of the teachers and staff described their interaction with one another as respectful, collaborative, and supportive. There are 52% of the teachers and staff who describe their physical spaces in the school as comfortable, flexible, and open. They also described the characteristics of the teachers and staff as fun, interesting, and caring. The climate and culture staff survey also indicated that about 41% of them are pressured, hectic, rushed, and was never given enough time. There are only 22% of the teachers also expecting their students to learn in the classroom.
The school also conducted the student climate and culture survey on May, 2019. There are 35% of the students who set academic goals with the support of staff and parents. There are 26% of the students who avail counseling services three to six times a year. 37% of students also expressed that they feel pressured, rushed, and had never given enough time to complete their assignment at school.
This school year 2023, Admiral Herbert G. Hopwood Middle School has six goals to improve teaching and learning. Below is a list of the initiatives:
Student Success: Each student will receive equitable, rigorous, relevant, and evidence-based instruction and support so they can meet their academic, social-emotional and well-being targets.
High-Performing System: Each student’s growth will be guided by instruction and services informed by data and continuous improvement so students are college and career-ready.
High-Performing Personnel: Each student will receive instruction and support from high-performing personnel.
Efficient & Effective Op: Each student benefits from an organization that is efficient, effective, and fiscally responsible.
Safe and Caring School: Each student will develop positive social-emotional skills in a caring, safe, and inclusive environment.
Communication & Relations: Each student will be provided learning experiences through supportive partnerships among the CNMI Public School System, families, and communities.
The school will provide various schoolwide and classroom activities based on the six goals. By doing so, Admiral Herbert G. Hopwood Middle School aims to have a significant impact on the student level of achievement and success.
SWP: Goals, Number of Objectives Met/Number of Objectives
# |
Goal Name |
Number of Objective Met/Number of Objectives |
1 |
BY 2023, Hopwood Middle School will have a healthy learning environment that fosters academic growth, citizenship, and character development by decreasing student discipline referrals by at least 10% and maintaining at least 98% of quarterly attendance as measured by the AdminPlus student information system. |
Objectives: 1 / 3 |
2 |
By the end of SY2023, All students at Admiral Herbert G. Hopwood Middle School will be at 50% or higher in English, Math, Reading, and Science as measured by ACT Aspire Summative Assessment. |
Objectives: 3 / 3 |
3 |
By SY 2023, 99% of students at Admiral Herbert G. Hopwood Middle School will be promoted to the next grade level as measured by the Student Information Data System. |
Objectives: 0 / 3 |
School Budget (Local, Federal, Non-Appropriated Funds, Others)
Funding Source |
Total Allocation |
Personnel Local Budget (including all benefits) |
$2,965,047 |
Personnel Federal Budget (including all benefits) |
$428,764 |
Local Budget - Operations Allocation |
$233,000 |
Local Budget - Other (SNILD) |
$250,000 |
Federal Consolidated Grant (School-wide Plan) |
$573,308 |
Federal Wellness |
$21,881 |
Federal CTE |
$34,780 |
Federal Parental Involvement |
$3,126 |
Non-Appropriated Funds (PTA Funds) |
$13,564.25 |
Non-Appropriated Funds (Educational Tax Credit) |
$4,889.60 |
SY 2022-2023 School Successes / Highlights
Overall attendance rate 97.39%
HMS Junior International Thespian Society team won in all events at the statewide Junior International Thespian Society competition, allowing them to represent the CNMI at the nationals in June this year in Bloomington, Indiana.
The same group will represent the CNMI at the National Junior Speech & Debate Competition in Phoenix, Arizona.
HMS team won 2nd place in the Academic Challenge Bowl Middle School Division.
HMS Girls Soccer Team won 2nd place overall.
HMS student won 1st place in the middle school division of our Island Wide STEM Fair and represented the CNMI in the Regional STEM Fair on Guam.
HMS student made it to the top 4 in the Spelling Bee competition on Guam.
HMS student won 4th place in MathCourt and qualified for regionals.
HMS student won 3rd place in the Know Your Worth Spoken and Essay Contest.
HMS won 3 Gold and 6 Silver awards from various categories during the Tumon Bay Music Festival Competition. Command Performance - Solo category
HMS won 2 Gold and 1 Silver Awards during the Chamorro Competition in Guam.
HMS MSLC team won 2nd place in Unarmed Color Guard, Armed Color Guard, Unarmed Regulation Drill, and the Tapout Challenge at the recent MSLC Drill competition.