P-EBT Application Period Has Ended

P-EBT Application Period Has Ended

The P-EBT application period, which started on May 10, 2021 ended on Friday June 11, 2021. 
The PSS Child Nutrition Program expects to complete the verification process by June 30, 2021 at which time all
verfified application data will be submitted to the CNMI NAP office for benefit calculations and later for benefit distribution.

PSS does not determine how or when P-EBT benefits will be distributed.  For information regarding distribution dates and times,
please contact the CNMI NAP office or call the P-EBT hotlines.

It is expected benefits will be distriuted in mid-late July.  The CNMI NAP office will make announcements over the radio, televised news,
and print media informing the public when P-EBT benfits will be distributed.