Grab and Go curbside meal services will conclude on Thursday December 23, 2021 coinciding with public schools' Christmas Break.
It's been a pleasure making meals available to our students these past months and we thank you for your support.
Due to a lack of participation, grab and go services for secondary students on Saipan has been suspended.
Friday September 10 will be the last day meals will be available at the current 8 sites.
It is possible the services may resume in October, so please check this website and other PSS social media pages
for any updates. Information will also be shared by the schools via AP Notify.
SFSP open sites to begin operations on July 1. Summer Food Service Program offers free lunches to children 18 years old and younger between 11am and 12 noon Monday through Fridays except holidays while supplies last. Meal volume will be adjusted weekly based on demand at each site.