Child Nutrition Program Announcements

P-EBT Extended Application Period Ends June 25, 2021 at 4:30pm

P-EBT Extended Application Period ended Friday June 25, 2021 at 4:30pm.

The PSS Child Nutrition Progam expects to finish processing applications on July 1, 2021.
Please contact the Nutrition Asistance Program (NAP) office for information regarding 
the distribution of benefits. It must be noted that the 2 week extension of the application 
period will add 2 weeks to the timeline leading up to the distributuon of benefits by NAP.

Distribution of P-EBT benefits is exclusively the domain of the Nutrition Assistance Program

P-EBT Application Period Has Ended

The P-EBT application period, which started on May 10, 2021 ended on Friday June 11, 2021. 
The PSS Child Nutrition Program expects to complete the verification process by June 30, 2021 at which time all
verfified application data will be submitted to the CNMI NAP office for benefit calculations and later for benefit distribution.

PSS does not determine how or when P-EBT benefits will be distributed.  For information regarding distribution dates and times,
please contact the CNMI NAP office or call the P-EBT hotlines.

Grab and Go Meal Services End on Friday June 11, 2021

Grab and Go curbside meal services will end on June 11, 2021. 
CNP thanks the commnity for allowing us to serve curbside meals since March 2020. 
For those interested in Summer Meals, we expect to our SFSP open sites will serve lunches July 1-30 
at select public school locations. Locations will be announced at the end of June.

Also this summer, CNP will be serving meals to all children enrolled in
daycare centers
public summer school classes
private summer school classes

and various camps sponsored by

P-EBT Applications Available at Public and Private Schools

Pandemic EBT applications delivered to public and private schools beginning Monday May 10.

Students will be given applications at school the week of May 10-14 to bring home. If none of your children have received an application by May 14, contact the school. Applications are pre-numbered so please promptly return unused applications to the schools. Only one application is required for each household. 

May 2021 Menu Published

The May 2021 school meals menu has been posted on the PSS website. Note that Tuesdays' and Wednesdays' meals have been swapped. Since public school students are in class face to face only two days each week, this allows for those Tuesday-Thursday kids to try the meals that have only been served on Wednesdays.  This also allows those Wednesday-Friday kids to try the meals that have only been served on Tuesdays.
